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Fire Extinguishers, Symbols, Class, PASS and More

by Wayne Foreman

In any facility, big or small, the importance of establishing a well-thought-out fire safety plan cannot be overstated. Fire extinguishers play a crucial role in this plan, but their effectiveness hinges on proper usage and choosing the right type for your specific needs. In this guide, we'll walk you through essential steps to ensure you prepare for a fire emergency.

Immediate Actions in Case of Fire:

The first rule of fire safety is to prioritize human life. Before attempting to use a fire extinguisher, call 911, activate building alarms, and assist anyone in danger, without putting yourself at risk. However, there are situations where using a fire extinguisher is not recommended. Do not attempt to use one if you are unfamiliar with the fire, don't know how to operate the extinguisher, if smoke is overwhelming, if the fire is near flammable materials, or if it's too large for one extinguisher to handle.

Preparing for a Fire Emergency:

  1. Evacuation Plan: Regularly review and practice your evacuation plan. Closing doors and windows as you evacuate can help contain the spread of fire.
  2. Know Your Extinguisher Locations: Familiarize yourself with the location of the nearest fire extinguisher. According to OSHA, the travel distance to an extinguisher should not exceed 75 feet for Class A hazards and 50 feet for Class B hazards.
  3. Extinguisher Types: Understand the fire extinguisher classes and their uses. The classes are A (ordinary combustibles), B (flammable liquids/gases), C (electrical), D (metals), and K (combustible cooking). Make sure you use the right type for the fire to avoid making the situation worse.

The Fire Triangle: Oxygen, Fuel, Heat:

Remember the basics – for a fire to burn, it needs oxygen, fuel, and heat. Fire extinguishers are designed to remove one of these elements and suppress fires. Understanding the fire triangle is crucial in using extinguishers effectively.

Common Fire Extinguisher Types:

  1. Multi-Purpose Dry Chemical: Effective on Class A, B, and C fires, using mono ammonium phosphate powder.
  2. Class K Wet Chemical: Ideal for commercial kitchens, these extinguishers use a potassium acetate and potassium citrate solution to suppress fires.
  3. Clean Agent: Leaves no residue and is suitable for Class B and C fires. A popular choice for preserving electrical equipment.

How to Use a Fire Extinguisher: PASS:

Remember the acronym PASS when using a fire extinguisher:

  • Pull: Pull the pin.
  • Aim: Aim at the base of the fire.
  • Squeeze: Squeeze the handle to discharge.
  • Sweep: Sweep from side to side until the fire is out. Be vigilant for re-ignition.

Choosing the Right Extinguisher for Your Facility:

Consider factors like fire hazards, room size, and the weight of the extinguisher. Tailor your selection to the specific needs of different areas within your facility, such as kitchens, manufacturing areas, storage closets, and electrical closets.

Preparation is the key to fire safety. Regularly review your evacuation plans, educate occupants on fire extinguisher locations and usage, and select the right extinguisher types for your facility. At CDF Distributors, our experts are ready to assist you in choosing the correct fire extinguisher and storage solutions. Contact us today to ensure the safety of your facility and its occupants.
